The Stepfather (1987)

Today marks the anniversary for The Stepfather, widely released on June 6, 1987. Although the film is set in Washington state, it was shot in Vancouver, British Columbia. I’ve been to several of the locations over the years, but haven’t had the chance to visit all of them. The last part of this page will highlight those missing locations.


First up is the empty house where the therapist is murdered. It is located at 1708 Allison Road in Vancouver. This is near the campus from another Jill Schoelen movie, When A Stranger Calls Back.

As the brother searches possible houses, he visits this one at 1710 West 38th Avenue in Vancouver.

The realty office was located at 3197 Edgemont Boulevard in North Vancouver.

The photography store was located at 3102 Edgemont Boulevard in North Vancouver.

His new office is at 3066 Edgemont Boulevard in North Vancouver.

I wasn’t able to stop at this location but the library is at 2425 Macdonald Street in Vancouver.

His new house is at 1956 West 15th Avenue in Vancouver.

This scene was shot at Oceanic Plaza in downtown Vancouver. This area has been renovated quite a bit and the bridge is now gone.

The diner was at 3164 Edgemont Boulevard as well as the driving scenes up and down the street.

Now we are on to locations I found but haven’t been able to visit yet, so using Google streetview shots for now.

The first house scene in the film appeared to be at 6212 Marguerite Street in Vancouver. However, that address was faked or no longer exists, as well as the house is also gone. The new house is at 6226 Marguerite Street with only the trees and bushes still matching up!

The school is located at 4250 Marguerite Street in Vancouver.

This scene was shot at the corner of West King Edward Avenue and Marguerite Street.

And finally the main house. I’m kicking myself because it is right next to another location and I didn’t even know it on my visit! To make matters worse, it has since been torn down and replaced, ugh! It was located at 1749 Acadia Road in Vancouver.

Good news for fans is the realty company had a great video of the house when it was up for sale showing the backyard…

…and the interiors!